Monitoring Attendance at a Partner Event

As a supplier, you can get up to date information about the registrations and attendees for a partner event in ZiftONE Admin.

You also have control over who attends an event, if the event is set up to support this: 

  • If event does not have Registration set - you can manually add and remove attendees.

    For more information, see Add/Remove Attendees.

  • If event has Registration and Manual Approval set - you can approve or reject registrations made from the partner portal

    For more information, see Accept/Reject Potential Attendees.

To view information about attendees, select the event in Partner Portal > Partner Events and go to the Attendees tab.


The attendees have one of these statuses:

  • Pending Approval - the user has registered for an event in the partner portal, and the event has Registration and Manual Approval set. The supplier is yet to approve their registration.
  • Attending - the user will be attending the event.
  • Rejected - the user registered for an event in the partner portal, and the event has Registration and Manual Approval set. The supplier rejected their registration.
  • Completed - the event has ended and the user attended it. The supplier confirmed their attendance in ZiftONE Admin. For more information, see Confirm Attendance at Partner Event.
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