Partner Events Overview

Partner Events are in-person events that you provide for your partners in ZiftONE. For example, you could provide a training session to onboard partners to your partner program, or to get them acquainted with your products.

Whilst you provide details of the events, the partners can register for them (if applicable) and attend them, either at a physical location or remotely, and you will get an overview of uptake and attendance. Events can be linked to Courses in the ZiftONE LMS - you can confirm a user's attendance at the event and they will see the course marked in Completed Courses in their portal account.

You can provide the Partner Event as a standalone item to your partners. If you want to provide a Partner Event as part of a campaign, with associated assets and reference materials, create a Partner Hosted Event Campaign. For more information, see Manage Partner-Hosted Event Campaigns.

ZiftONE provides the option to translate your Partner Event into multiple languages. For more information, see Translate a Partner Event.

Before You Begin

If the event will be linked to an LMS course, have the course ready in Partner Management > Learning Management > Courses. For more information, see About Learning Management.

If you will provide a link to a Webex/Zoom meeting for the event, prepare the meeting before creating the event in ZiftONE. 


Learn more with our training course:

You will be prompted to log into your CustomerONE account to access the link.

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