Creating and Publishing a Partner Event

Follow these steps to create a Partner Event and make it available to your partners in the portal:

  1. Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
  2. Click Create Partner Event in the top right corner.
  3. In Create Partner Event, enter this information (Name and Time are required):

    Parameter Type Description
    Internal Name Text The unique identifier for the event.
    Display Name Text

    A partner-facing name for the event.

    Time Calendar Picker

    The date and time on which the event will start and end.

    Your timezone is shown for the time (based on your system setting).  The time will update if a user in a different timezone views the event in ZiftONE Admin.

    Summary Text

    [Optional] A short description of the event.

    Location Text

    [Optional] Where the event will take place.

    If it will be a virtual event, give the location as Online, or similar, and add the link to the meeting in the Event Page Content area. 

    Event Page Content Text

    [Optional] Detailed information about the event.

    You can include a text description and links to other information, for example to a Webex meeting.

    Image Image

    [Optional] Upload an image file to represent the event - this will be used as a thumbnail in the Partner Events list in portal.

    The file size must be 250MB or less.

    Training Course Drop down

    [Optional] Link to a training course you have set up in Partner Management > Learning Management > Courses. Select the course from the drop down menu.

    If the event is linked to a course, a user will see the course listed in their Completed Certifications area in the partner portal if you confirm their attendance at the event after it has finished.

    Registration Checkbox

    Specify whether a user will need to register for the event.

    Choose one of these options:

    • None - registration isn't required
    • Portal - partners register in the portal, and you define the maximum number of attendees and whether attendance should be approved by you
    • External - partners register via an external event registration form, and you provide the URL to the form

    When a user registers for the event, they will receive email confirmation of registration. You can use a customized template for the emails. For more information, see the Customize the Registration Confirmation Email Template  section of this article.

    Maximum Attendees Number

    [Optional] If portal registration is enabled, set the maximum number of attendees for the event.

    When an event is full, the event shows the message Fully booked in the partner portal.

    Use the Manual Approval option to control registrations for the event.

    Manual Approval Checkbox

    [Optional] If portal registration is enabled, specify whether you need to approve users' registration for the event.

    If this option is not checked, user registrations will be automatically approved.

    Link to a Registration Form Text

    [Optional] If external registration is enabled, enter the URL to the registration form.



    [Optional] Select the Partner Groups that are eligible for this event.



    [Optional] Click to open the Advanced Rules window, where you can configure adhoc group rules for assigning the event to partners, based on partner fields or partner names.

    For help with creating temporary Partner Group rules, see About Partner Groups > Use Ad-Hoc Partner Groups.

  4. Click Save. The event is saved and you are taken to its details page. You can make further changes to the event here (Edit) or make it available for the partners (Publish).


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