Partner Events are in-person events that you provide for your partners in ZiftONE. For example, you could provide a training session to onboard partners to your partner program, or to get them acquainted with your products.
Whilst you provide details of the events, the partners can register for them (if applicable) and attend them, either at a physical location or remotely, and you will get an overview of uptake and attendance. Events can be linked to Courses in the ZiftONE LMS - you can confirm a user's attendance at the event and they will see the course marked in Completed Courses in their portal account.
You can provide the Partner Event as a standalone item to your partners. If you want to provide a Partner Event as part of a campaign, with associated assets and reference materials, create a Partner Hosted Event Campaign. For more information, see Manage Partner-Hosted Event Campaigns.
ZiftONE provides the option to translate your Partner Event into multiple languages. For more information, see Translate a Partner Event.
Before You Begin
If the event will be linked to an LMS course, have the course ready in Partner Management > Learning Management > Courses. For more information, see About Learning Management.
If you will provide a link to a Webex/Zoom meeting for the event, prepare the meeting before creating the event in ZiftONE.
Click on the + to expand the instructions for the desired task.
Create and Publish a Partner Event
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click Create Partner Event in the top right corner.
In Create Partner Event, enter this information (Name and Time are required):
Parameter Type Description Internal Name Text The unique identifier for the event. Display Name Text A partner-facing name for the event.
Time Calendar Picker The date and time on which the event will start and end.
Your timezone is shown for the time (based on your system setting). The time will update if a user in a different timezone views the event in ZiftONE Admin.
Summary Text [Optional] A short description of the event.
Location Text [Optional] Where the event will take place.
If it will be a virtual event, give the location as Online, or similar, and add the link to the meeting in the Event Page Content area.
Event Page Content Text [Optional] Detailed information about the event.
You can include a text description and links to other information, for example to a Webex meeting.
Image Image [Optional] Upload an image file to represent the event - this will be used as a thumbnail in the Partner Events list in portal.
The file size must be 250MB or less.
Training Course Drop down [Optional] Link to a training course you have set up in Partner Management > Learning Management > Courses. Select the course from the drop down menu.
If the event is linked to a course, a user will see the course listed in their Completed Certifications area in the partner portal if you confirm their attendance at the event after it has finished.
Registration Checkbox Specify whether a user will need to register for the event.
Choose one of these options:
- None - registration isn't required
- Portal - partners register in the portal, and you define the maximum number of attendees and whether attendance should be approved by you
- External - partners register via an external event registration form, and you provide the URL to the form
When a user registers for the event, they will receive email confirmation of registration. You can use a customized template for the emails. For more information, see the Customize the Registration Confirmation Email Template section of this article.
Maximum Attendees Number [Optional] If portal registration is enabled, set the maximum number of attendees for the event.
When an event is full, the event shows the message Fully booked in the partner portal.
Use the Manual Approval option to control registrations for the event.
Manual Approval Checkbox [Optional] If portal registration is enabled, specify whether you need to approve users' registration for the event.
If this option is not checked, user registrations will be automatically approved.
Link to a Registration Form Text [Optional] If external registration is enabled, enter the URL to the registration form.
Dropdown [Optional] Select the Partner Groups that are eligible for this event.
n/a [Optional] Click to open the Advanced Rules window, where you can configure adhoc group rules for assigning the event to partners, based on partner fields or partner names.
For help with creating temporary Partner Group rules, see About Partner Groups > Use Ad-Hoc Partner Groups.
Click Save. The event is saved and you are taken to its details page. You can make further changes to the event here (Edit) or make it available for the partners (Publish).
Edit a Partner Event
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click on the Partner Event you’d like to edit.
Make any necessary changes to the event.
- Unpublish button - click to remove the event from the partner portal
Details tab
Click Edit to open the event for edit. Make changes to any of the fields, change the partner assignment, or update registration requirements, as required.
Click Save to complete the update.
Attendees tab
Add or remove attendees - for more information, see the Adding/Removing Attendees section of this article.
Approve or reject attendees (if Manual Approval is enabled for the event) - for more information, see the Accepting/Rejecting Potential Attendees section of this article.
To provide translations of partner events, click on the Translations link in the left sidebar. This takes you to the Partner Portal > Translations > Partner Events page, where you can configure translations. For more information, see Translate a Partner Event.
Copy a Partner Event
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click on the Partner Event you’d like to copy.
- Click Actions > Copy. A new draft Partner Event is created, with the original title suffixed with (copy).
Update the name and other other details as required.
- Click Save.
Delete a Partner Event
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click on the Partner Event you’d like to delete.
- Click Actions > Delete.
A pop-up asks you to confirm that you’d like to delete the event.
You may be deleting an event your partners are planning to attend. We recommend communicating the removal of this event with your partners prior to deleting.
- Click Delete. The event is removed from ZiftONE Admin and the partner portal.
Customize the Registration Confirmation Email Template
A default template is provided for emails sent when a user's registration for a Partner Event is confirmed. You can customize the template so all confirmation emails include your branding and message.
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
In the top right corner, click … > Edit Confirmation Email Template.
You can also access the template from > Settings > System Messaging > Event Confirmations.
Click on the Partner Event Registration Confirmation template.
Make changes as required:
- Change the subject header for the email in Subject.
- Click Edit in the Template area to make changes to the content of the email. You can make these types of change:
- Add your own logo or branding
- Change the text content of the email
- Use merge fields to dynamically populate content
- Update the footer
- Add/remove social media icons
For guidance on the areas you see in the email edit page, see Edit a Custom Portal Page.
When updating a template, you can add a short comment to explain what you've changed.
This comment will be displayed on the template’s Version History. Click Options > View History to review the changes made to the template.
- Click Save and Close to complete the update.
Add Partner Events to the Partner Portal
Before you can add Partner Events to the partner portal, you must first have some published Partner Events built. Follow the steps under the Create and Publish a Partner Event section above.
If you have published Partner Events built, you have two options for making them available to your partners:
Add the Partner Events feature page to your site navigation. For more information, Adding Feature Bundles/Pages to a Partner Portal.
This is an example of what a Partner Events page can look like in the partner portal.
Include one of the Partner Events dynamic content widgets to a custom page, and add that page to your site navigation. For more information, see Add Dynamic Content.
Here is an example of a custom page with the Partner Events - Next 3 Upcoming Events (Tile) dynamic content widget:
If the event accepts registration from the portal (Require Registration set), the partner can register for the event here. They will receive an email notification when their registration is confirmed. You can use a customized template for the emails. For more information, see the Customize the Registration Confirmation Email Template section of this article.
Monitor Attendance at Partner Events
As a supplier, you can get up to date information about the registrations and attendees for a partner event in ZiftONE Admin.
You also have control over who attends an event, if the event is set up to support this:
- If event does not have Registration set - you can manually add and remove attendees.
For more information, see Add/Remove Attendees below.
- If event has Registration and Manual Approval set - you can approve or reject registrations made from the partner portal
For more information, see Accept/Reject Potential Attendees below.
To view information about attendees, select the event in Partner Portal > Partner Events and go to the Attendees tab.
The attendees have one of these statuses:
- Pending Approval - the user has registered for an event in the partner portal, and the event has Registration and Manual Approval set. The supplier is yet to approve their registration.
- Attending - the user will be attending the event.
- Rejected - the user registered for an event in the partner portal, and the event has Registration and Manual Approval set. The supplier rejected their registration.
- Completed - the event has ended and the user attended it. The supplier confirmed their attendance in ZiftONE Admin. For more information, see Confirm Attendance at Partner Event below.
Add/Remove Potential Attendees
You can add attendees to an event, either singly or in bulk. This option allows you to manually manage the attendee list, for example if the event doesn't support registration in the portal.
You can also remove attendees, for example if the event becomes oversubscribed.
An event becomes oversubscribed if you reduce the maximum number of attendees after the previous maximum number had subscribed. The event shows a message to confirm:
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click on the Partner Event you’d like to edit.
- Go to the Attendees tab.
- Click Add Attendees.
- In Partner, select the partner to which the user belongs.
- In User, select the user you want to add to the event.
- Click Add. The attendee is added to the Attendees list for the event. The attendee number indicator increments, comparing the number of attendees with the maximum number permitted for the event.
- Click Add Attendees.
- Click Add Multiple and enter a list of email addresses, separated by a new line or a comma.
The addition will fail in these situations:
- If email addresses aren't associated with existing partner users.
- If email addresses are in a bad format.
- If the number of attendees being added will take the attendee list over the specified maximum.
- Click Add. The attendees are added to the Attendees list for the event. The attendee number indicator increments, comparing the number of attendees with the maximum number permitted for the event.
- Click the checkbox next to the attendee or attendees you want to remove from the event.
- Click Remove Attendees.
- A pop-up asks you to confirm that you’d like to remove the selected attendees.
- Click Remove. The user no longer appears in the Attendees list.
Approve/Reject Potential Attendees
If you've specified that registration/attendance for an event should be overseen by you (Registration and Manual Approval enabled for the event), you can approve or reject a user's registration for the event in ZiftONE Admin.
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click on the Partner Event you’d like to edit.
- Go to the Attendees tab.
- Click the checkbox next to the attendee or attendees whose registration you want to approve for the event. Select attendees with a status of Pending Approval. This means that the user has registered for an event that requires supplier approval from the partner portal.
- Click Approve. The status of the selected attendees changes to Attending.
The approved attendees may disappear from the Attendees list. To have them included, ensure that your filter for the list includes the value Status = Attending.
An approved attendee receives an email to confirm their registration. This is customizable by you - in the Partner Events page, go to ... > Edit Confirmation Email Template. For more information, see the Customize the Registration Confirmation Email Template section of this article.
- Click the checkbox next to the attendee or attendees whose registration you want to reject for the event. Select attendees with a status of Pending Approval. This means that the user has registered for an event that requires supplier approval from the partner portal.
- Click Reject. The status of the selected attendees changes to Rejected.
The rejected attendees will not display on the default Attendees list view. To view them, ensure that your filter for the list includes the value Status = Rejected.
Confirm Attendance at Partner Event
Once an event has ended, you can acknowledge whether an attendee actually participated in the event. This allows you to maintain a complete record of your partners' engagement with events you provide for them. In addition, if an event is linked to a Course in Partner Management > Learning Management > Courses, all confirmed attendees will see the course listed in their Completed Courses area in the partner portal.
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click on the Partner Event whose attendance you want to review. The event should have already occurred.
- Go to the Attendees tab.
- Click the checkbox next to the attendee or attendees whose attendance you want to confirm for the event. Select attendees with a status of Attending.
- Click Confirm.
- A pop-up asks you to confirm that you’d like to confirm attendance for the selected attendees.
- Click Confirm. The status of each attendee changes to Completed.
Export a List of Attendees
You can export a CSV list of attendees and their status for an event.
- Navigate to Partner Portal > Partner Events.
- Click on the Partner Event whose attendance you want to review.
- Go to the Attendees tab.
- Click ... > Export All Attendees. The CSV list of attendees downloads to your defined Downloads area.
Translate Partner Events
ZiftONE provides the option to translate your Partner Events into multiple languages. For more information, see Translate a Partner Event.
Click on the Translations link in the left sidebar. This will take you to the Partner Portal > Translations > Partner Events page, where you can configure translations.
Learn more with our training course:
You will be prompted to log into your CustomerONE account to access the link.
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